Seattle Public Schools

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

CTE Partnerships

Become a CTE Partner to Support SPS Students!


CTE is looking for Partners to:

  • participate in career fairs
  • visit a classroom or schools as a career speaker
  • participate in the classroom as an industry expert volunteer
  • open work locations for workplace tour or field trip
  • offer a job shadow experience
  • offer an internship, a registered apprenticeship, or a clinical experience

Interested in being a CTE Partner?

Computer science panel discussion

填写合伙人兴趣表,选择你感兴趣的职业活动或项目. 我们的CTE团队成员将与您联系,讨论您的选择,并帮助您与学生和老师互动.

Career Activities and Programs


探索性职业项目或活动早在小学就提供了接触工作和行业的机会. These activities are designed to promote awareness of careers, workplace norms and employer expectations, as well as personal interests and aptitudes for students. 

Student and mentor at Construction Management internship

高级课程提供学术技能和实践经验,为未来的工作做准备. 活动的目的是提供对特定职业的深入发现,以及对特定行业或职业所需的教育或培训的技能和理解的发展.  

Below are a list of programs that you can participate in.

Designed to meet specific learning outcomes, career speaker presentations are educationally rich, are tied to the curriculum, and help students connect what they’re learning in school with the workplace. Presentations are usually conducted in the school, but in some cases, 演讲者可以通过微软团队或其他技术“访问”电子教室. 

How will you connect with classrooms? Select Career Speaker on the Partnership Interest Form to receive emails when these programs are looking for partners to present.  

Time Commitment: 1 day; can range from 1- 5 class periods (about 35 minutes per class period)

招聘会是让学生和CTE合作伙伴有机会见面的活动, establish professional relationships, and discuss their career area. SPS每年都会在我们的高中举办一般和专门的招聘会. 这些活动是由学校的职业连接学习协调员组织的.  

High School Career Fair

How will you know what is coming up? Select Career Fair on the Partnership Interest Form to receive emails when these programs are looking for partners to present. 

Time Commitment: 1 day; can range from 2 – 4 hours per school 


Industry Expert Volunteers share their knowledge, 时间和技能支持教师,并将学生在课堂上学到的知识与职业联系起来. 一些例子包括作为学生项目的客座评委参观一个教室, conducting mock interviews, 或者与老师合作,在课堂上提供工作场所的挑战.  

How will you connect with Teachers? Select Industry Expert Volunteer on the Partnership Interest Form 当这些程序正在寻找合作伙伴时,接收电子邮件.  

Time Commitment: Varies depending on volunteer activity

工作场所之旅是一个高度结构化的活动,学生参观工作场所, learn about the business, meet employees, ask questions and observe work in progress. More than a simple field trip or site visit, a Workplace Tour is designed and structured to meet specific learning outcomes, be educationally rich, and build awareness of the business, its industry sector, its role in the economy and the career options it provides. 

Construction management workplace tour with SPS student

How are trips organized? Select Workplace Tours on the Partnership Interest Form to receive emails when these programs are looking for locations to visit. 你也可以分享你已经计划好的工作场所之旅的具体日期/时间/议程, and we will help schools/students sign up.  

Time Commitment: 1 day; can range from 1.5 – 4 hours 

工作见习是一种有组织的活动,学生与商业伙伴配对并观察他们的工作日, 与他或她的客户或顾客互动,并与他们跟随的人一起参加会议和其他约会. 旨在帮助学生探索感兴趣的领域,同时发展研究技能和建立职业知识, 工作见习是在工作场所进行的,发生在工作日的大部分时间. 

How will experiences be created? Select Job Shadows on the Partnership Interest Form 当这些程序正在寻找学生参观的地点时,接收电子邮件. 你也可以为你已经计划好的见习分享一个具体的日期/时间/日程.  

Time Commitment: 1 day; can range from 3 – 5 hours 

An internship is a highly structured, 在有时间限制的活动中,学生被安排在工作现场参与和观察工作. 实习为学生提供了通过实际工作和在工作场所富有成效地投入来学习的机会. They may provide the opportunity to work in teams, work on a project, or rotate through a number of departments and job functions. 

How will students get hired for internships? Select Internships on the Partnership Interest Form 联络CTE实习协调员,为学生创造实习机会. You can also send internship postings you have available; they will be shared with schools/students/staff to apply.

Time Commitment: Ideally a minimum of 90-hours to provide students high school credit 

Student laughing at microscope

健康和医学课程的学生将 在课堂上获得的知识与 在不同医疗实践 阶段的各种医疗保健环境中的临床实践相结合,以了解 医疗保健专业的范围并实践他们在课堂上学到的 技能. 

How will students get involved? Select Clinical Experience on the Partnership Interest Form 与我们的健康和医疗项目的工作人员联系,为学生创造机会. 

Time Commitment: 临床体验的天数和时间由学校的教师和合作组织安排.  

学生参加的项目已被华盛顿州学徒培训 委员会正式 认可为学徒准备项目, or are registered as an apprentice with Labor and Industries (L&I), ,并正在参加在华盛顿注册的 学徒计划. 

Image of student climbing building during pre-apprenticeship for iron work

How will students apply for an Apprenticeship? Select Apprenticeship on the Partnership Interest Form 正规的棋牌平台排行榜的CTE团队,看看你们的学徒计划是否适合我们目前的高中职业计划. You can also send Apprenticeship postings you have available; they will be shared with schools/students/staff to apply.  

Time Commitment: Varies, usually ongoing support.

A CTE Workgroup can include working with CTE Curriculum Specialist, Teachers or other district staff members on curriculum integration, research projects, career program advisory groups, 或其他影响学生课程或程序组件的合作项目.

Person sitting at computer during work group with CTE

How will you get involved? Select CTE Workgroup on the Partnership Interest Form to connect with a CTE Curriculum Specialist. 

Time Commitment: Communication or meetings are quarterly to more frequent based on the project.

Why Get Involved?

Below are a few benefits for Employers when they engage with students:

  • 社区参与-帮助加强社区建设,实现更强大的经济未来. 
  • 帮助塑造未来的劳动力-加强学校课程,以满足劳动力的需求. 
  • Expose students to your industry and the benefits of productive work. 
  • 观察学生高中毕业后“长期”工作机会的潜力. 
  • 与年轻人建立关系,通过创造积极的体验来提高留存率. 
  • 获得预先培训的未来员工-节省招聘时培训未来员工的时间. 
  • Students provide access to a fresh point of view. 
  • Build leadership and supervisory skills among your current workers. 

Contact Twinkle Familiare at or to learn more.